Vehicle-specific Blocked Slots & Bug Fixes
We recently pushed out some vehicle-specific functionality that makes it much easier to manage a fleet of delivery trucks that all have different weight & volume capacities. We had one more detail that didn't make the cut an it has been added now!
VEHICLE-SPECIFIC BLOCKED SLOTS Let's say that you have a bigger capacity truck that you use to run all of your larger deliveries, but maybe you also use that truck to help stock your yard. You run a little low on a product that takes a few hours to restock and want to make sure you don't overbook that specific amount of time with customer orders. As of today, you can easily block the time you need to restock and keep the rest of the time open to make $$$.
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION PASTE BUG When copying a description in from another source our system wasn't recognizing that change event (the paste) and wasn't properly providing the appropriate "Save" button. Fixed now!
ADDED WEBP IMAGE (UPLOAD) SUPPORT We deliver images in all of the latest formats, but for actual uploads, we weren't supporting WEBP images, until now.
EMPTY STATES On a few of our pages, we had screens that didn't show much when there wasn't and content yet added ("Empty State"). These are all cleaned up now!
Last updated