Docs, SSO, Onboarding & Customer Accounts (Beta)
We've been stacking things up for a few releases this winter and we're extra pleased to have this one out-the-door. Lots of behind-the-scenes updates included, setting the stage for everything else we have in the pipeline for 2024.
SSO/SOCIAL LOGIN Tired of managing new unique accounts for everything in your digital life? We've recently made things a bit easier by enabling the ability for users of BDP to now log in via Google or Facebook.
CUSTOMER ACCOUNTS This is a little bit premature, but we've set the stage for customer accounts to be "lit up" soon. This will make it simple for end user customers to see what orders they've placed in the past, and easily re-order the same products or reference past order volumes.
ONBOARDING TOOLS We've cleaned up a number of screens to prevent errors/issues with accounts that weren't quite ready for "prime time" as they finish filling out their details. We've also provided some new screens/UI that clearly outlines what content is missing.
DOCUMENTATION While not really a "app" release, we have not published comprehensive documentation of BulkDelivery PRO here:
This has been in the works for a long time and we'll continue to be fleshing out all of the details over time.
FIXES It's always been a little annoying that each user had to pick their own time zone when the main account's zone had already been set. Rarely would these ever need to be different. So, that's fixed.
Last updated